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亚当·多尔蒂' 19:神学深度计划准备青年主任呼叫明矾

August 19, 2019 - 5 minute read

Adam Dougherty

What led you to Concordia University Irvine?

由于我在路德教会密苏里教会的背景,我被领进了康考迪亚大学欧文分校。. I had the grades and test scores to get into any number of colleges, 但我申请康考迪亚欧文分校,只是因为我感到上帝在那里度过大学时光的内心召唤. 我也相信康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学术严谨性和康考迪亚体系的神学深度,使我成为一名受过良好教育的学生和lms的牧师.

What influenced the choice of your major?

I knew I wanted to enter church work, and after learning about the Director of Christian Education (DCE) program at Concordia University Irvine, 我相信这个项目将是最有效的给我丰富的学习经验.  康考迪亚大学欧文分校的DCE项目是神学系(基督学院)的一部分。, not the teaching department, which is unique to Concordia University Irvine, 我很欣赏主任对培养受委任的牧师的重视,这些牧师在神学方面受过深厚的教育,但又是经验丰富、见多识广的教师. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的DCE项目也要求在任何DCE项目中最多的实地工作时间, 所以我知道我毕业的时候会尽可能做好准备,装备好去教会服事.

Which faculty or staff member do you most admire?

我最钦佩的是丽贝卡·杜波特,她是康考迪亚欧文大学DCE项目的主任. 她的付出超越了对她个人的要求,让每个学生都感到受欢迎和装备. 她在课堂之外为学生提供多种额外的服务学习机会, and reaches out to students frequently when they are in crisis. 她是一个有天赋的老师,她把她的课安排得像大学里的任何课程一样严谨. 她是该项目的指定领导者,拥有超过20年的DCE现场经验, which brings a unique and valued perspective to the program. She has elevated the program’s academics, theological depth, field experience, and breadth of opportunity, 她将康考迪亚大学欧文分校的DCE项目发展成为康考迪亚系统中最大的DCE项目.

Where have you experienced growth as a student?

作为一名学生,我在所有的课程中都经历了成长——在达到对工作质量的高期望方面, time applied, outside experience, and professionalism, 这一切都是为了让我成为一名在专业环境中取得成功的高标准的教会工作者. 在康考迪亚大学欧文分校,我的精神生活得到了丰富,我也经历了成长, deepened, and fed by on-campus and off-campus opportunity. 我的心被康考迪亚大学欧文分校提供给我的无数服务经历软化了, and I grew to be a person whose faith inspires action. 我与朋友和老师建立了深厚而充实的关系,这将继续鼓励我作为一个人和一个专业人士的成长.

What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?

I consider my legacy among my peers to be my greatest achievement. 一个人的生活和影响可以通过他的领导力对他人生活的影响来衡量, 我很自豪我在老师的鼓励下对年轻学生的生活产生了持久的影响. 这些遗产包括我的学术成就,比如在校长的本科研究学术展示中获得第一名, and involvement in campus ministry as Men’s Ministry Coordinator, and more.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

我的实习是在康考迪亚大学欧文分校教师的监督下成长的绝佳机会,他们继续指导和指导我. 特别高兴的是,我毕业后有实习,这样我就完成了我的学位,并获得了更多的经验,这样我就可以在LCMS中获得认证.

How do you define vocation?

天职是神呼召我们去服事别人的职位. I have many, my first currently as a son and brother, but soon to be a husband—also as a DCE, a musician in the church, and a friend.

What would be your ideal job?


Describe your most meaningful ministry or outreach experience to date.

我最喜欢的拓展机会是我们的DCE项目年度服务学习任务之旅,前往蒂华纳的Ojo de Agua, Mexico. Through my time at Concordia Irvine, I traveled to this community 7 times to build homes, distribute food, and pray for and encourage the same hilltop community in faith and life. 我与社区里的许多人和孩子建立了密切的关系,我将永远珍惜每年详细规划宣教旅行的经历.


我很珍惜和那些在学业上鼓励你的朋友住在一起的经历, spiritually, and emotionally to grow in fullness of faith and life. 一旦你毕业了,你就无法拥有同样的环境来鼓励成长. 我满怀喜悦地回忆起我在康考迪亚大学欧文分校的博彩平台网址大全.

What is your favorite Concordia tradition?

My favorite Concordia Tradition is the Beach Bash. I always loved the community feel of coming back to school, seeing old and new faces, and celebrating the New Year together at the beach.

Who are your heroes in real life?

My real-life hero is my mom. 她辞去了退休服务机构的工作,听从上帝的召唤,在一所路德教会学校担任学前教师,一年后成为校长. She served as the Principal at Faith Lutheran School in Lacey, 开办了大约六年,在提高学校专业水平的同时,招收了一倍的学生. 她现在在当地一家非营利组织从事她梦寐以求的幼儿教育工作, just got her Master’s degree in that field, 在全国各地做主题演讲,教育日托主任, school administrators, 还有满屋子的老师和家长在讨论如何培养出受过良好教育的孩子, well-developed, and well-informed. 她一直是我的英雄,是我为上帝和教会服务的榜样.

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